The Catholic Education System

How does Catholic Education governance work?

There are four levels of governance in Catholic Education in South Australia.

Members of the school board are entrusted with a significant position of leadership within the local school community. Each board member’s service is an example of a positive response to the call of Vatican II to participate energetically in the life of the church.

School board members ensure the quality of education offered at each school achieves a high standard of excellence. A critical element of the stewardship that board members exercise is the responsible management of school resources.

School Board

At a local school level, the school board has oversight of local school priorities.

Members of the school board are entrusted with a significant position of leadership within the local school community. Each board member’s service is an example of a positive response to the call of Vatican II to participate energetically in the life of the church.

School board members ensure the quality of education offered at each school achieves a high standard of excellence. A critical element of the stewardship that board members exercise is the responsible management of school resources.

Catholic Education South Australia (CESA)

Each school is part of the network of 103 Catholic Schools that make up Catholic Education South Australia (CESA).

The Catholic Education Office (CEO) supports the work of our schools providing a cross-section of professional services.

Each of our teams provides strategic and practical advice that supports and resource school leaders, teachers and staff.

The Catholic Education Office is also the point of connection with State and Federal governments and various state and national education bodies.

Our Catholic Education Offices (CEO) are located in Thebarton (Archdiocese of Adelaide) and Port Pirie (Diocese of Port Pirie).

South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS)

The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) and its Standing Committees set directions and policy development for Catholic schools in South Australia.

The focus of SACCS is to promote excellence in teaching and learning in all Catholic schools in South Australia. The membership of SACCS includes the Archbishop of Adelaide, the Bishop of Port Pirie, the Diocesan Directors of Education of the Archdiocese and Diocese, two nominees of the Congregational Orders and eight members, as well as a chairperson, from the Catholic community.

In accordance with Canon 113 #2, the rights and obligations of SACCS are to:

  • make and review policy in those matters relating to Catholic schools which require coordination and rationalisation throughout the State of South Australia; and
  • be concerned with education in all Catholic schools and with matters relating to the participation of parents in the education of their children in Catholic schools.

SACCS determines the overall policies that guide all Catholic schools in SA. The Commission is the authorised body for contracts and agreements with the Commonwealth and State Governments in matters of funding and the establishment and development of schools.

SACCS has Standing Committees that play an important part in the development of the policies and positions.

Download 'SACCS Organisational Structure'

National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)

The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) is established by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference through the Bishops Commission for Catholic Education to maintain effective liaison with the Commonwealth Government and other key national education bodies.

NCEC complements and supports at the national level the work of the State and Territory Catholic Education Commissions.

Catholic Education South Australia © 2025