
Setting your school's direction

Strategic planning is implicit in the overall policy roles of your school board. This planning provides clarity and purpose in your school's renewal and development.

Your board should seek to identify a preferred future and plan to achieve it over a cycle of three to five years. A school’s Strategic Plan may reflect the values and beliefs of the school’s vision statement and incorporate policy development, curriculum, financial, building and community elements.

The Principal, as Executive Officer of the school board, undertakes the development of a plan for school renewal in conjunction with the school board and appropriate staff of the Catholic Education Office.

Continuous Improvement Framework (CIF)

Planning exemplars to use

Domain 1 of the Continuous Improvement Framework (CIF) has a lot of resources available for your school's planning, such as these exemplars which you can download below.  We would encourage you to visit the CIF website for the full range of exemplars across the entire 9 domains.

Download 'Strategic Plan Public Exemplar'
Download 'School Strategic Plan'
Download 'Strategic Planning Process Checklist'
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